Top Tips to Determine How Much Storm Damage You Have!

If you believe your roof has sustained damage during a storm, a storm damage inspection is essential and sooner rather than later.

How soon is soon? That will depend on how much damage you see initially and what a professional storm damage inspection service finds as well.

To get at least an estimate on how urgently repair services from a storm damage inspection company are required, you can perform these damage checks yourself, without even facing the danger of going up on the roof.

  1. Ground Level Visual Inspection of the Roof - Start out by doing your own storm damage inspection from the ground by walking around the house and noting anything that does not seem right. Obvious damage will be easy to spot and will be a prime indicator as to whether your need for a storm damage inspection company is urgent, or if it can be scheduled as routine work.
  2. Interior Inspection of the Attic - Next, go into the attic and look for signs of damage from the inside. Wetness, dried water stains, and daylight visible through spots in the roof suggest there are problems that should be dealt with quickly. Call for storm damage inspection services and repairs based on the outside assessment and any signs from the underside that there is damage not seen from the top.
  3. Do A Drone Inspection From Above - Got a drone? Use it the way many professional storm damage inspection companies do to get a bird’s eye view of the tops of roofs. A drone with a camera will let you see spots that you wouldn’t be able to see from the ground, allowing you to get an even better idea of how serious any sustained damage might be.
  4. Pay Attention to the Weather - Naturally, even if there is only minor damage noticed during your personal roof storm damage inspection, if there is more weather in the forecast that could make getting repairs done right away a greater priority.

After completing your roof inspection looking for damage, reach out to a local storm damage inspection company, let them know your findings, and then plan with them the best way to get needed repairs made, and when.

And if you are unsure about something, the best recommendation is to get a professional storm damage inspection done so there is no question about the condition of your roof before the next storm passes through!